As seen on Channel 7 & A Current Affair

Operation Hard Yakka has been in operation since July 2008

If you are looking for a military boot camp for children, our program dates are listed below:

Next Program:  MARCH 2025:    Monday 17th to Friday 28th March 2025 (Males only)

Looking at Female Programs in the near future, No dates at this stage.



Mission Statement:

Oz Adventures mission statement is to provide quality and effective training and development programs in a safe but challenging environment.

What is Operation Hard Yakka:

Operation Hard Yakka is a postive youth development and training program that follows a Australian military style youth diversion training system to help troubled youth.

As a youth military development program we focus on building respect and adjusting attitude to foster a better life for those who participate in our program. 

Operation Hard Yakka is not just a boot camp for troubled teens, but a program that focuses on creating tools and strategies for young men to deal with everyday issues and help build resilence towards achieving both career and life goals.

Program Design:

As a military boot camp for children, the program is structured around the concept of experiential learning, which follows the rationale that doing something does not necessarily result in any particular learning unless we:

  • Observe the result of the action (both the planned and the unplanned)
  • Reflect on what worked well and what could have been different
  • Plan, i.e. implement the learning from the observation and reflection by planning to perform better in the next event. This planning can take the form of goal setting and will ideally be applied to both the training program and the participant’s broader existence (home, sport)

It has been recognised that if learning objectives for an activity or game are discussed they are more likely to be achieved. The experiential learning process of observing and reflecting allows us to evaluate our goals, reset new goals, and take our new knowledge with us to the next task. (continuous improvement)

The experiential learning process has been successful when learning from one situation can be transferred to another.