RESPECT & ATTITUDE is the Key to a Better Life

Operation Hard Yakka is not just a boot camp but a positive youth development program designed for troubled youth. As a military boot camp for children, Operation Hard Yakka has built a program that is structured towards building personal growth and success, by combining rigorous training methods with mentorship and support.
The aim of the Australian military style youth diversion training program, Operation “Hard Yakka” is to instill the key concepts in young men that allows them to deal with the everyday issues. It enables them to learn strategies that will assist them to gain access to: Australian Military, Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance, back to education or any other employment they may wish to enter. In doing this program, they will learn the real requirements of Teachers, Parents and Employers, such as time management, team building, trust, self discipline, self control, respect for self and others, listening and communication skills, attitudes, courage, goal setting, problem solving, initiative, anti-bullying and confidence.

Oz Adventures "Training & Development"
Oz Adventures “training & development” is one of, if not the longest established outdoor adventure based training organisations in Queensland, (Estab – 1985). As a positive youth development training program, its safety record is second to none and is a leader in the field of realistic personal and team development. (Not just boring indoor or manual seminars) past & present groups include – Military, Employment Agencies, Youth Councils, State and Federal Police, SES, Correctional Services, Fire & Rescue, Department of Employment & Industrial Relations, Indigenous Groups, Queensland Education, (over 125 schools), Banks, Queensland Cricket, Queensland Netball, Many Youth Groups, KFC, TAFE Colleges, and more.